Risk factors and protective of general mechanical equipment

Mechanical equipment risk is from the perspective of the moving parts for mechanical equipment itself, such as the transmission mechanism of nuclear tool, high speed movement of the workpiece and chip. If defective equipment, protective device failure or improper operation, could cause personal casualty accident at any time.

The risk of 1.1 transmission device

General component is mechanical transmission gear, chain and belt drive. Because the parts is not in conformity with the requirements, such as mechanical design is unreasonable, the transmission part and the rotating part of the leakage, no protection, etc., may handle, clothes haul in the hurt. Chain drive and belt drive pulley to tools or human body involved in; When fracture, chain and belt catch with the human body, prone to joint belt fly up cuts. Transmission in the process of friction and belt speed higher reason, also easy to make the belt produces static electricity, static electricity sparks, easy to cause fire and explosion.