Why service quality = desired service - the cognitive service?
Service quality in the 1980 s researchers view by the service provider to the customer, caused a revolution in the study of service quality. Finland scholars Gronroos (1982) according to the theory of cognitive psychology, this paper presents the concept of customer perceived service quality, think that is a kind of customer perceived service quality, by the customer service expectation and perceived performance comparison decision, so the service quality of evaluators should be customer rather than companies. Lewis and Booms (1983) from the perspective of service provider supports the Gronroos's point of view, think the service is to provide quality services, and expected to match the level of service, which provides service to customer expectations and service agreement. In order to reveal the nature of the service quality, Garvin (1984) summarizes the five kinds of methods about service quality, namely, philosophy method (service quality is directly fact. Only contact can feel), products (from measurable difference, service quality indicators to be tested on water show that service quality), the user (service quality depends on the user, the service to meet consumer demand is high quality), manufacturing method (quality to conform to the specifications of the degree) and value (measured by the price quality), and points out that the measure of the quality of service from above several aspects. Holbrook and Corfman (1985) is simplified to its subjective and objective method, service quality is divided into "human quality" and "mechanical quality". But as Parasura - man, Zeithaml and Berry (1985) "service quality perception continuous belt", began to clear about service quality connotation. Researchers in the United States, with the support of marketing association of Banks, credit card, securities brokers and maintenance services for empirical research, points out that the evaluation of service quality function by the customer's expectation, service process quality, outcome quality of three variables, when customer expectations has not been met, on behalf of the quality of the "unacceptable"; When meet customer expectations, said "satisfactory quality"; And the service level than expected for the quality of the "ideal"; Therefore, the customer satisfaction of service quality. Mainly based on the expected service level compared with the actual service levels. Later, they (1988) further pointed out that the evaluation of service quality is customer integrity, is a dynamic process, service quality from accept before service expectation and the comparison of the cognitive process of after service. Therefore, service quality measurement includes not only the result of the service evaluation. Also includes the evaluation of the service process. E ~ Parasuraman et al (1985198) reveals the connotation of the service quality is to Gron - roos, Lewis and Booms, scholars put forward based on perception and expectation of affirmation, service quality of the later scholars recognition and support, for example by Tes and became (1988), the results point. Customer expectations of product attributes and feelings cognitive significantly affect the satisfaction of products, Bolton and Drew (1991) also pointed out that on the customer service of the actual cognitive directly affect the evaluation of service quality, and service quality to expect service and service gained by the cognitive function of the gap, Williams (1999) also through the empirical research of hotel industry, to verify the effectiveness of the customer service quality evaluation is based on the customer's expectation and perception. After that, based on customer expectation and perception as benchmark of service quality research.